13/05/15 Vienna calling…

It’s such as cliché but it’s truly scary how time flies; Copenhagen 2014 only feels like it was a matter of weeks ago. The 60th contest is already shaping up to be an interesting one with the inclusion of Australia and discussions among fans about the reaction Russia is likely to receive. The EBU are in a tricky position this year; they need to protect the image of the contest and the artists but if they alter the sound levels to drown out booing for Russia will they be compromising their integrity as defenders of freedom of expression?

Rehearsals are in full-swing in Vienna just now. It’s only when you see the rehearsals that proper predictions can be made about Eurovision. Songs that weren’t given a second thought suddenly begin to stand out; Georgia apparently according to reports. It’s a difficult one to gauge when you’re in the middle of the Eurovision bubble. I’m usually hopeless at picking a winner but I’m going to stick my neck out and say that I think the winner will be from one of the following:

  • Sweden
  • Australia
  • Italy
  • Slovenia
  • Russia, Estonia or Norway – as outsiders

I’m delighted to be involved with BBC Three’s coverage of the contest again this year, they’re a lovely team to work for and it’s always good fun. I really hope Electro Velvet do well for the UK, it’s a fun song and they’re taking it all in their stride. I’ll be heading to Vienna on Saturday 16th May and as I have done for the last few years, will be heading back to London on the morning of Friday 22nd May and will be available for media interviews. I’ll be blogging from Vienna – see you on the other side!

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